The Garnett Girls by Georgina Moore
This saga holds family secrets, a doomed love affair, complicated daughters and I adored it. Emotional, funny and rich. Settle in and...
The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden
My book of the month and a high contender for book of the year. Fans of In Memoriam will be very happy with this read. 'Set in World War...
The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo
The book I have been waiting for since Six Of Crows has arrived. The Familiar was everything I wanted. A book about desire and greed...
A Cautious Travellers Guide To The Wastelands by Sarah Brooks
An unforgettable group of passengers traverse the barren wasteland between Beijing and Moscow on the trans-Siberian Express. What more do...
Good Things by Kate Macdougall
Kate has created the perfect setting for her story. An old, crumbly house, an absent father, and two sisters who don't get on. It is the...